Dr. Dolansky is an Associate Professor and the Sarah C. Hirsh Endowed Professor at the Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing. Her leadership in quality includes her roles as Director of the QSEN Institute (Quality and Safety Education for Nurses) and the Sarah Cole Hirsh Institute (Implementing evidence into practice). Her contributions to the field of aging are integrated in her interprofessional quality improvement work. Highlights include her collaborative publication of the book “Fundamentals of Healthcare Improvement,” the massive open online course (MOOC) “Take the Lead on Healthcare Quality” that has reached over 15,000 interprofessional professionals across the world, and her current collaborative work with the Institute for Healthcare Improvement implementing Age-Friendly Health Systems into the MinuteClinics across the country. Her passion is improving the health of older adults through system-based interventions.

Mary Dolansky, PhD, RN, FAAN